Saturday, August 22, 2015

Clean Eating

Hello All! Hope this entry finds all of you doing well!

It has been a... different past few weeks. Apparently, my body decided it did not like one of my CIDP treatments, anymore, and decided to start "reacting" to it. After many medication adjustments, we THINK we may have finally worked it out so that I don't have that issue, anymore. Which is good, because this treatment really helps me, and I don't want to have to stop receiving it. So, any thoughts and prayers you can send my way for that would be greatly appreciated!

But, the reason for this entry has more to do with something that I've been hearing about for the past year or so: clean eating. When I first heard about it, I automatically dismissed it as the latest fad diet. Lord knows there are enough of those out there. However, the more I heard about it, I started to get curious. So, I did some reading about it, here and there. No serious research into it mind you, but some light reading.

Then, the other day, a friend of mine from the hospital came down to see me when I was receiving my treatment. I couldn't believe how much she had changed. She had lost weight, and looked healthier (she has lupus) than I had seen her look in years. I asked what she had been doing and she said, "Clean eating." She said she hadn't felt this good in many years, and was off of her medications for the lupus. It was time for me to do some more reading. So, I did.

Turns out, clean eating isn't just about weight loss. Those who try to practice it say that it's about returning to the way we ate years ago, removing a lot of the junk and processed foods that have become staples of our diets, anymore. By getting back to the older ways of eating, our bodies have a chance to deal with illness and disease in the ways it was intended, instead of having to battle what we put in it, as well. Clean eaters also claim that this type of eating habit can help reduce inflammation and increase the body's immune system strength.

Now, I don't know if any of this is true. To be honest, I am naturally skeptical and don't buy into things, easily. But, after doing my research and listening to my friend's story, I was willing to give it a shot. After all, what could it hurt?

So, that's where this post comes in. I want there to be record of what it is I'm doing and if it works. I am going to officially start on Monday, after I've had time to get familiar with some of the recipes and types of foods I should and shouldn't eat. On Monday I'll also post my beginning weight (I must really like you guys) and what meds I'm on (for the CIDP). As time progresses, we'll see if my weight comes down and/or my medications can decrease.

This is going to be a slow process, though. I am only changing one meal per week (breakfast one week, lunch the next... you get the idea). I am doing it this way so that I can be sure not to overwhelm myself and ensure that I stick with it. I will report my stats each week (on Mondays), and I'll be sure to be honest about whether or not I was sticking closely to the plan.

If any of you have any questions, please feel free to let me know on here, or on Facebook. I am happy to answer any and all questions.

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